Thank you for your interest in a treatment in one of our practices.

For a smooth process, we need some information before your first appointment. Please use the form below to transmit your data. We will get in touch with you promptly to make an appointment.

Please have the following documents ready for the first appointment:

  • valid prescription
  • medical report
  • insurance card
  • U-Heft (for kids)


    Speech therapy or ergotherapy? *

    Locations speech therapy *

    Locations ergotherapy * (currently only in Hamburg-Altona)

    Home visit? *

    Is the home visit medically prescribed? *

    Preferred date *

    before middayin the afternoonall day

    First and last name (patient) *

    Date of birth (patient) *

    First and last name (principal insured person / legal guardian) *

    Street, house number, postcode, place of residence *

    E-mail address *

    Telephone number (landline or mobile) *

    Insurance *

    Medical diagnosis / clinical picture / findings / other information *

    Upload the recipe (file format: jpg, png or pdf, file size: max. 10MB) We are legally obliged to check the validity of medical prescriptions before starting therapy. If you have a prescription, (please scan it) and upload it here. Please bring the original prescription with you to your first appointment. Thank you very much!

    I hereby accept the Privacy Policy (Your information will only be used to process your request. Your data will be transferred securely via SSL.)

    Theralingua treats both adults and children. We cover all clinical pictures (disorders). You can count on us for all matters of speech and language therapy. In each of our practices we have at least one therapist who can take care of you.

    We currently offer 3,000 hours of treatment a month. We learn something new ourselves every day and aspire to improve ourselves every day.

    Due to our high workload, there may be waiting times for an appointment with us. We apologize for this. If it happens that we put you on the waiting list, we will contact you as soon as possible to arrange an initial diagnosis and a first appointment with you.

    Thank you for your trust!

    At this point we would like to thank our patients for their years of trust in our speech therapists, our company and our therapies.

    See you soon in one of our practices,

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